We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Our Christmas Jingle + Mingle!

There was a lovely community feel during our Christmas Jingle + Mingle

January 10, 2025

Christmas Jingle + Mingle!

WOW! We loved the Christmas Jingle + Mingle and from the feedback we’ve had – so did our families!

The activities we had on offer were:

  • Clay and Christmas Tree Cutting Decorations.
  • Christmas Twig  Wool Weaving Decorations.
  • Homemade Shortbread Biscuit Decorating.
  • Santa Beard Personalised Photos!
  • Playdough Christmas Trees and a variety of wintery sensory trays.
  • Our Lucky Squares with brilliant prizes donated from the local community! Well done to all the winners.
  • Plus our Christmas Dinosaurs made an exciting appearance in the garden!
  • We had our hot chocolate making station with marshmallows, cream, chocolate sprinkles and mince pies too!

Unfortunately it wasn’t to be a ‘white’ Christmas party as our new snow machine didn’t arrive until 9pm that evening! We will get the snow machine out in the garden whilst it’s still winter, for the children to explore.

Thank you to everyone who donated pennies for their hot chocolates or bought lucky squares, we raised a FANTASTIC £218.70 towards our new sensory room.

We were so busy having fun that we didn’t snap too many photos, but here’s a taster of what we got up to (I’ve uploaded some photos to your footsteps app if your child isn’t allowed on our website, if they were in a photo).

The best part of the Jingle + Mingle was definitely the mingling – it’s lovely to hear families meeting each other for the first time, or catching up with each other. Thank you all for being part of our nursery community.