We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Woooooow! What a brilliant selection of healthy and sweet treats for our halloween party. Well done to everyone who recieved a Spooky Snack Certificate for their entry (we awarded these to EVERYONE as we were amazed by all the entries!) The children thoroughly enjoyed eating the snack and it all sparked some super conversation around how they were made and what they represent, with key words such as:
Apple Monsters, Squishy Cheese Spiders, Spooky Spider Biscuits, Pumpkin Pepper, Pumpkin Tangerines, Cucumber Ghosts and so much more! It’s always great fun to explore words that usually aren’t said together!
You all looked ready to party in your halloween costumes and face paint! With out without dressing up – everyone joined in with dancing together!
Each room explored different activities for Halloween. The babies had light up balloons to explore light and movement together as well as a spooky tough tray full off allsorts of textures, shape and lights to investigate. They also used cardboard tubes to print bubbles on cauldrons. The toddlers made Apple Monsters for snack! Pre School carved a pumpkin, they talked about the slimy insides of a pumpkin and spotted the seeds, they compared the different textures between the inside and outside of the pumpkin and lots of children commented just how heavy the pumpkin was.
PHEW! What a busy day!