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Exploring Diwali – The Festival of Light

Our Toddlers and Pre School children made Diya Lamps for Diwali

November 1, 2024

Exploring Diwali – The Festival of Light

Our Pre School children dived straight in to using clay to create Diya lamps for Diwali. The children explored the texture and properties of the clay first, commenting on how it felt cold, slippery and soft. They used their hands and tools to maniuplate the clay before copying staff in pressing and squeezing the clay with their thumbs and fingers to create a lamp shape. The children looked at photographs of Diya lamps and chose to use sequins to create sparkle and colour as their decoration to mimic the lamps they were looking at. We spoke about how the light of the candle will reflect off the sequins.

Our Pre School children listened to the meaning of Diwali as they crafted their clay lamps. We read a story about all the different ways in which Diwali is celebrated.  When looking at the book about Diwali that showed how it is celebrated around the world, I asked the children ‘how would you like to celebrate Diwali?’ the responses were; watching fireworks and having a family feast, recalling some of the celebrations we had seen in photos and talked about. The children also liked the rangoli patterns we looked at, so with this we decorated some cut outs of a hand and added lots of colourful patterns to it. Well done everyone. Our Toddlers explored play dough to create their Diya lamps and looked very proud of their creations! We talked lots about how to keep safe with candles and how important it is not to touch a lit candle.