We offer quality learning experiences for children.
We love visiting Penlee Gallery House and Museum! The staff set up these bespoke sessions especially for our nursery and they theme the activities for the age range, focusing on a topic. For this session the children were exploring black and white and sea creatures too! The children loved exploring the black and white objects and the sea themed toys. We finished the session with some songs and rhymes that were linked to the objects they were exploring, such as row, row, row your boat, two little seagulls sitting on a wall and 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.
It’s wonderful to be able to walk to the gallery so that the children can enjoy this special and memorable experience.
Not only do these trips build confidence, create memorable experiences and learning opportunities, but in the long term we are preparing children for their move to school! (We’re always thinking ahead!) After experiencing all these trips in the baby room and toddler room, the children then take it in their stride when we start visiting local primary schools in Pre School. It’s fantastic to then see Pre School age children full of confidence in new environments, which is a wonderful foundation for them as they get ready to step through their reception class room door on the start of their primary school journey!