We offer quality learning experiences for children.
We have developed fantastic partnerships within our local community so that our children can go on regular trips, building their confidence, giving them new experiences and creating lasting memories together.
Our Baby Room and Toddler Room children go for walks to Penlee Park and Morrab Gardens, as well as visiting Rhyme Time at the Library and sensory sessions at Penlee House Gallery and Museum. They also enjoy walks to the promenade and our toddlers visit Thornes Fruit and Veg shop to buy delicious ingredients for their cooking.
Our Pre School children take trips further afield! As well as all of the above, we have also taken our Pre School children on a bus trip to Mousehole, their next bus trip is to Marazion and then in the Summer we are embarking on a Train trip to St Ives! As well as trips offsite, our Pre School children visit Frances Bolitho Care Home on site, once a week. During these sessions they develop relationships with the residents and partake in a wide range of exciting activities together including music and movement, arts and crafts, gardening and walks round our beautiful grounds.
We are very fortunate to have developed a partnership with Trink Dairy who supply our children’s free milk each day. Trink kindly welcome us to the farm for visits so that the children and their families can watch the milking of the cows, explore the farm and taste the delicious milkshakes!