The website also provides information regarding Tax Credits for Childcare, Universal Credit for Childcare, Support while you Study.
We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Our government’s free milk scheme for nursery children is fulfilled using milk from Trink Dairy – a farm just outside St Ives.
At Trink, the Knowles family produce milk from grass-fed Friesian and Jersey cows; due to the way the cows are fed and cared for they produce milk rich in Omega-3 fats and vitamin E – this helps to boost immune systems, a clear benefit for children of nursery age.
We are really pleased to be working with Trink and are using the connection as a way of talking to our children about where our food comes from, and the importance of maintaining a healthy diet.
We have partnered with Daisy First Aid since 2021 for all of our Paediatric First Aid training for staff to enable us to achieve fully certified qualifications. We would like to thank our Daisy First Aid trainerd: Frances and Jemma, for their engaging and memorable training that has provided our staff with invaluable confidence, knowledge and practical experience.
We are offering our first Parent First Aid course in February 2024 and hope to offer further in the future.
We highly recommend Daisy First Aid and would like to signpost our families to have a look at the courses they run for parents and carers: Daisy First Aid
The Edge of the World Bookshop have welcomed our children in for visits to explore the books in their cosy book area for children. Our Pre School children are visiting the bookshop to buy books that relate to their topics of interest. They bring the books back to nursery to share with all the children. Thank you to the Edge of the World Bookshop for being so welcoming.
We are thrilled to be developing a partnership with Penlee House Gallery and Museum. We are lucky enough to be able to walk to Penlee House from the nursery. They are welcoming our Babies for bespoke sensory sessions, plus our Toddlers will be visiting too! For Pre School we are part of a pilot project exploring ‘what is a museum?’ as a topic. We are looking forward to welcoming the team here to nursery for two visits to explore the topic before our children then visit the museum for a special workshop. Thank you Penlee House for welcoming us to explore!
Bolitho Nursery is part of Healthy Under 5’s to promote and encourage healthy lifestyles from an early age.
Healthy Under 5s is designed to celebrate topics that providers may already be championing and explore new areas:
Healthy Eating
Dental Health
Physical Activity
Emotional health and wellbeing
Accident Prevention
Additional topics (Including workplace health, sleep and health campaigns)
Early Years Fundamentals (EYF) is a research, training and consultancy company led by the needs of the early years private and voluntary sector.
The Early Years Fundamentals’ specialist team is made up of a diverse group of professionals working in or with the early years and childcare sector.
EYF assess the needs of the sector termly through the extensive analysis of Ofsted inspection reports and prepare a response to trending Ofsted actions and recommendations through audit tools, practical guides, publications, training, and consultancy.
As subscribing members of EYF, our nursery benefits from advice, support and guidance from a wealth of experts and a nationwide network of other nurseries.
Chidcare choices provides all the information you need surrounding Government help with childcare costs for parents, whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.
We offer funded spaces for 2, 3 and 4 year old, including 30 hours childcare for 3 and 4 year olds.
We also offer financial support through the Tax Free Childcare scheme that is available for working families, including the self-employed, in the UK. See the website for further information on how to set up Tax Free Childcare. For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child per year.
Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly provides information for:
Parents and Carers,
Children and Young People,
There are links for:
Information and Resources,
Learning and Development.
We have attended OSCP training to keep our staff up to date in relation to local safeguarding and national updates.
We support Healthy Start by promoting the scheme to all of our families.
Healthy Start is a government scheme to improve the health of low-income pregnant women and families with young children on benefits and tax credits. It provides a great opportunity for health professionals and others working with pregnant women and families to offer encouragement, information and advice on issues such as healthy eating, breastfeeding and vitamins.
What is Healthy Start?
With Healthy Start, you get free vouchers every week to spend on milk, fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables, fresh, dried, and tinned pulses, and infant formula milk. You can also get free vitamins.
Pregnant or have children under the age of four?
You could qualify if you’re on benefits, or if you’re pregnant and under 18.
Applying for Healthy Start is easy. If you already have an application leaflet, just fill out the form inside. A midwife or health visitor no longer needs to sign this form, however, you must provide your estimated due date which is still listed in Part B. Once you have completed your application, make sure you have signed it and send it using the freepost envelope attached. If you don’t have an application form you can find one here. Information is used from your tax credits and benefits claims to check you qualify so make sure all your details (including your address) are up to date with Tax Credits and JobCentre Plus as this will help process your application quickly.