We offer quality learning experiences for children.
As a parent, your child’s well-being is paramount – and it is equally important to us.
At Bolitho Nursery, our vision is to endeavor to provide a stimulating, safe and nurturing environment that enables children to thrive as they learn through their play.
Relationships with families: We understand that entrusting your young son or daughter to the care of others is an important step to help you, our experienced staff will arrange a settling in period to suit your family. From your child’s first day with us, our staff will keep in close contact with you, communicating at every stage.
We are open 50 weeks of the year excluding bank holidays, training days and a Christmas Closure. Monday – Friday 08:00-17:00. We offer a vast range of session times to suit families needs.
We have three rooms within the Nursery, our Baby Room, Toddler Room and Pre School. These rooms are specifically designed and resourced for the children’s age ranges and stages of development. We support transition between these rooms when children are developmentally ready. Each room has cosy spaces for children to relax and a range of exciting activities planned to meet their interests, enabling children to immerse themselves in their play and learning.
To ensure your child has everything they need at nursery, we ask parents to supply a bag for nursery containing the following:
Weather appropriate clothing:
Dress for Mess! Our children have lots of sensory play activities and creative activities to join in with – please dress your child for mess so that they can enjoy these activities to the fullest. We do provide aprons but children can be in the sensory/messy areas without an apron and are likely to get splashes and dabs on their clothes. Dressing for mess allows children to fully explore. As they get older we do encourage self-care and independence.
Snack: Children need to bring a healthy snack for morning and afternoon snack, depending on their session times. Fruit or vegetables would be the most healthy option.
Spare clothes: At least 2 tops and 3 pairs of underwear, socks and bottoms if your child is toilet training – Crocs/Jelly shoes can be a good alternative to shoes or wellies whilst toilet training to allow them to be cleaned and dry quickly.
Any comforters: A dummy can be stored for your baby and a comforter teddy/blanket or toy are welcomed to help your child settle and soothe them.
Nappies/Pull-ups: A supply of nappies/pull ups and wet wipes.
Sun cream: In the summer we ask for all children to arrive to nursery with sun cream already applied and if they are staying for a full day session we ask for a bottle to stay at nursery to allow it to be reapplied in the afternoon.